Day 25 + 26 + 27 + 28 + 29 + 30

Day 25

Started ratting again completed one rock Haven first then started on another. Still trying to work out how to keep Omega after I earn it with ISK. Seems to be an issue.
Maybe with a VNI upgrade I can do them faster

Because it always seems to overlap from starting one, and then the 20minute gap between pay-outs, I believe a Haven roughly pays out 28M. SO that's 3 per night, every night to earn my Omega, too much to be honest.
I may need to take a bit longer, and then figure out how to keep my Omega before buying the plex

Going back a few days, I have missed a trick here. I figured the salvage would be a waste of time, but really its a lot extra on the total take from a Haven. Sub 30M to do a Haven, possibly has 10M extra so 30% extra ISK that's just wasted, and now it only takes 7 minutes to get that, I have been a bit dumb leaving it.

Going to sort this out over the next few days as today, just to remind myself I did this, and I moved some junk about, but 3 Havens completed ( I spent 30M ISK on some stuff to upgrade the Catalyst)

I modified my catalyst for salvage ops, ignoring all the tractor beams, and its not finished yet, but 7 Minutes to clean out a Haven of all the loot. I aim to fit bigger cargo hold so I can nip to the next site and also Tackle Rig II, which should speed it up. Best I can do as an Alpha I think.
I will time it then to see how much better it is. I think it was taking me 15 minutes previously, but I wasn't control clicking and the cycle of a salvager was slow.


From a single Haven ( I have obviously forgotten)
Pure ISK 30M
Loot and Salvage 11M ISK

So potentially 41M of value, 11 of which I have left behind every time, for the sake of 4 minutes.

Timing for Salvage 9:52 Left station, finished Salvage 9:59

Current fit cost 2.2M

[Catalyst, Basic Alpha]
Cap Recharger II
Cap Recharger II
Salvager I
Salvager I
Salvager I
Salvager I
Salvager I
Salvager I

Ended up with 857M of ISK at the end of the night ( I had spent 30M however, so this would have been more)

Day 26

Starting again with the ratting, a little late since there were a few fleets about looking for trouble.
Lost an MTU to some people coming into system, but went back and finished the Haven, so rubbish night but I didn't lose my ship.
Not much going on in the Intel either, so ships are just turning up out of the blue.

Finished the evening with 886M ISK and about enough salvage to replace the MTU I lost.

Day 27

Started off with a Quick Haven, at 8:00 exactly, finished at 8:38
Had a 5% increase in targeting skill complete, hopefully that will help.
40 Minutes on the dot to do a Haven, so not even a slight improvement.

Finishing up with 912M ISK

DAY 28, 29 30

Didn't manage to get on until the second to last day of the year, so its a bust, ended up with 1 Billion ISK, which isn't bad, but it takes too long to generate to do this every month. Means I won't get to actually play the game.

Technically I jumped on twice during this period, but because of enemy fleets I didn't get to do anything and got stuck out of system.

Missed the 50% off sale I saw as well, could have got 3 months for $20 USD.
Still going to get my plex anyhow, might take a bit longer.

Day 30
Want to try my upgraded catalyst, see what difference it makes
Doing a Haven now, see what happens. Man its fast, but at 32M that's a lot more to risk if you get jumped. I guess the advantage is the speed.

Left station at 8:48 flying back at 8:52 :) 4 minutes wow

Timed it now and its

I might just add it all together and see what the average is, with the unexpected real Sansha loot, that will help a lot, but I will only get 120M for it locally

Haven 1: 27M ISK plus 12.6M ISK EST Salvage and Loot
Haven 2:37M ISK (had a true sansha ship)  plus  loads of good loot (200m+ apparently)
Haven 3: 31M ISK
Haven 4:29M ISK

Takes roughly 80 seconds to kill a dread lord for reference

So the grand total is 262M (actual value will be somewhat lower I expect) of loot and salvage and 129,311,979ISk, 32M ISK per Haven averaged out.


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