Day 14 + 15 + 16

Day 14
Just collecting my ship fittings, see how I fair today, about 7k less people on at this time, so it shouldn't be as risky.
Going to try a Forsaken Rally point to see if its a lot faster. Plan is to not collect any loot and to see what ISK I get and how long it takes. I think there are 6 waves, quite a lot of battleships which take time to kill

Just as a log for timing: Started 7:47 completed 8:06 Total 20 Minutes
Warp in 30KM, Kill first ship, then orbit the wreck at 30KM. Leave it too long and you are dead as there will hammer your ship as you are too close.

Beast Lord 768,750 ISK
Centi Loyal Plague 25,875 ISK
Centum Hellhound 79,688 ISK
Centus Overlord 881,250 ISK

FRP 1:11.6M ISK (This one was a lot shorter that the other two)
FRP 2: 20M ISK
FRP 3: 19M ISK

Rough Wave based on 2 sites

Wave 1 8:40
2 x Cruisers (Loyal Fiend)
2 x Battleships ( Plague Lord)

Wave 2
2 x Frigate (Loyal Manslayer/Plague)
3 x Battleships (Beast/Plague Lord)

Wave 3

2 x Cruisers (Centum Fiend)
3 x Battleships (Centus Dark Lord)

Wave 4

2 x Frigate (Centusii Loayal Servant/Ravener)
2 x Battleship (Centus Tyrant/Dread Lord)

Wave 5

4 x Battlecruisers (Centatis Devil/Behemoth)
4 x Battleships (Centus Tyrant/Dead Lord)

Wave 6

3 x Cruiser (Loyal Fiend/Mutilator)
4 x Battleship (Tyrant/Dread Lord)

Wave 7

3 x Battleships (Centus Dark Lord)

I got an escalation site, apparently worth 60M ISK, created a contract, see how it goes.
Finished up tonight with 455M ISK

55M ISK per night should do it, 19 days left

Day 15

Got my 60Mil ISK from the sale of that escalation point, so that's awesome.
Back to see what I can get now.

Haven 7:33 start....I got a big ship that was worth 9.9M in bounty on its own right at the end, along with loads of additional battleships
Unfortunately, someone also entered the Haven and wiped me out, so I now need to buy another new VNI.

My balance at the end of the night was 541M ISK. So minus the cost of the replacement ship which is approximately 130M, I will end up with 411M ISK. So that's 60M ISK per day for the last 18 days of the month to get my 1.5B. Still do-able but getting harder with these lost ships. I don't think I can lose another one.

DAY 16

Well my griping netted me a new VNI for free, so that's going to save me a bunch, thanks to Rock in the Alliance for donating that ( I did offer to pay for it however so I am not that much of a cheapskate).
So I started with 541M ISK and the parts cost me 47M ( No Ship). leaving me with 494M ISK.
So that's  actually 55M per day. which is again, back to 2 Havens a night.
I might try to sell some of my salvage, get that bank balance back up, maybe I will be lucky and get another escalation.
Need to spend some time collecting the parts from over the system so I am ready to start the process over again. At least the 47M I spent, I can recoup quite easily (better than adding another 76M for a replacement ship in Catch)

Looking into Planetary Interaction as the first cab off the rank when I go Omega, getting the relevant skills trained up. It sounds like there are two key skills I need to start with, and work up to Level 4 as that's the quickest way. Might get 100M of easy revenue per month


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