Day 11 + 12+ 13

Day 11
Bit of time tonight so, hit one Haven first, see how many I can get through. The main issue is jumping on and having only a few hours at most because of the server shutdown and timezone differences.

Number 1. 30M ISK
Number 2. 28M ISK

Approx 20M of loot in total

353M ISK in the bank

Day 12
Nearing the half way mark, and way far behind with only normal grinding on Havens, I don't think there are any other options at present. I suppose only being on for a few hours at most, and being off for nearly a week is going to hurt me. Trying to make it up today and see where we get. I haven't factored in the junk I had lying around which I need to sell, mainly because there is limited to no market for most of it in nullsec.

I am almost at max skills, so possibly I could use my other account for training and use a skill extractor to sell and make some ISK. I might have to consider this as a possible option, that is, if the limit is still 3 Mil skill points

Number 1.  27M ISK 10 M Loot
Number 2. 7.6M ISK ( had to leave early)

So while I am ratting, I decided to recalculate where I am at. I have also decided to exclude the salvage/loot because I can't guarantee that I can sell it in nullsec, so its got to be just plain old isk earning.

I have 396M ISK and 18 days to go. So if I was to somehow achieve this

50 Million ISK a day is required for 30 days of effort to do 1.5Billion, not taking into account anything else. This is certainly doable with 2 Havens a day, excluding any loot. Its clear 25M per Haven is the minimum

I need 61 Billion ISK a day to meet my target, which is achievable but what with it being Christmas, I don't think I can sit at the computer every night.
I have 96mil of salvage that I think I could sell off quite easily, I will check after I have finished ratting what people are looking to buy locally.

I also have been asked to join the fleet, so this may take away some of my time that I could otherwise spend ratting. Need to work this out.

DAY 13

On a bit late, but going to try and knock out a Haven before it gets too late.
Yesterday I bought two cheap ships for the fleet, one Ewar ship and another Tackle ship ( which I may not use).
I spent the whole evening learning about PVP and how to work with the fleet, hopefully this will work out and I might even get some ISK.
Changed around my jump clones, so my medical clone is at the staging area and my jump clone is now in my home base in Nullsec) this is apparently the way you want to do it.
I don't mind so much as I on my last trip, I bought all the skill books I needed or that were missing. There are likely going to be some others I need, but I can get them later

Someone suggested I do a forsaken Rally point, which doesn't offer as much ISK but should be 3 times faster to completed. If its 22Mil ISK, than that's double in the same time period I get currently. Might be worth trying that,

Haven 1. 29M ISK
Forsaken Rally Point: Dead, lost my ship to someone who warped on top of me, didn't stand a chance

So I got 425M ISK and I need to buy a new ship, in actual face I have an angel fitting, so I might be able to get away with only 30M to refit it.
So almost bought all the bits, I wish I had saved my last fitting, but I have 404M ISK in the bank, so I am up overall, if I ignore the fact I had a spare ship, otherwise I would be down by loads.
It still might be possible if this rally point thing turns out to be even twice as fast, that I could make it work, especially if I don't have to collect the loot, then it could be faster again, since that's not very efficient to collect ISK, that's 15mins to get maybe 10M


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