Day 5 + 6 + 7

Day 5
Quick blast with some exploring as its a bit faster when time is short, got stuff worth 12 Million. Not great, but better than nothing.

Lost my Astero, so that's 67M to replace. Not good going, wasn't paying attention to the lvl3 data site that explodes when you do it incorrectly.
Bought a new Astero to replace my old one

Day 6
Start with a Haven, see if I can get some decent ISK. Training on 10% extra drone damage just finished, so just the 2 heavy drone ones to go for 5% damage each.
Shame I can't get more powerful drones to make this go a bit faster.
Its takes 45 minutes roughly to do the stargate haven, 451.4 Damage from the drones

I got 9M from selling some datacores and decryptors to someone in my corp overnight
11.9M of loot and salvage from the first Haven
26M ISK from the first haven

13.2M of loot and salvage from the second Haven
28M ISK from the second haven

Sold some more loot/salvage
Approx 57M ISK

201M ISK in the bank

107M Loot/Salvage to sell

So pretty much back to where I started 6 days ago, but with a few more goodies

Day 7

Back to the Haven to earn some ISK.  Another 5% heavy drone upgrade has completed 471.9 damage now., Kicked off the last one, 7 days to complete for the last 5%

Started the Haven at 8:12 Eve time, let see when I finish.. 8:56

31M ISK from the Haven
15.M Loot and salvage

Bought some storage containers as I hate trawling through all the salvage and loot, 700k ISK

230M ISK in the bank


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