30 day plan


I started with eve 15 years ago, it was early days and I don't think it had been out very long. I gave it a crack as an Omega and then due to the time involved and the small amounts of ISK being generated ( I think my corp was mining only) I moved onto other things.

Fast forward 15 years into the future and apart from being 15 years older, I thought I would give Eve another go, and see what I could do.
Now this is not going to be a full on slog to get to Omega, but it will be a record of how my progress is going as I try to get to my ultimate goal of being a self sufficient Omega, without having to buy a subscription.

My starting point is pretty reasonable. I had next to no ISK when I reopened my account, and I had ships which I thought were good at the time, were actually junk. Additionally, many of the skills I had previously used, i.e. for manufacturing. Were Omega only.

So for me it was almost back to square one, but with a few million ISK up my sleeve and a bunch of ships.

I have been playing my account for 2 weeks since the reactivation of my account and I have this to share.

3 hours per night roughly since I re-joined the game
I have a jump clone in highsec and my medical clone in nullsec
I was given a big chunk of ISK by some handy fellows in the corp I joined, which made the biggest difference, in addition to them helping with ship fittings.

Now with the backstory done, where am I at currently?

In Nullsec with a clone in Highsec ( clone does nothing, but has a few skills trained)
1 x astero with sister core probes and pretty basic stuff.
2 x  VNI's , one with a specific sansha fitting, the other an Angel fitting
1 x catalyst, 5 x salvagers 3 x tractor beams
1 x venture, for those timesd when I need a miner
1 x Heron, old scanning ship. I chose to upgrade to the best I could get.
I have 100million of stuff from salvage and relic/data sites to sell
I have 197 Million of ISK

Where do I want to get to ( in no particular order)

Omega, self sufficient ( who doesn't)
Battleship so I can do incursions
Some kind of money generation without me being sitting at a computer every night.

So I have read this is possible, but it seems a long way off and things have changed  in the game that might affect this. I can generate the following income:

Sansha Haven - Possible to do this now with L4 drone skill, damage per second is 411. This takes me about 45 minutes currently. If I fly back to get my salvage ship and using a MTU, then I can clean up in 15 minutes roughly.
If I look at the ISK generation for this activity its roughly broken down as follows:
7.6 Million ISK for the first pirate bounty payout
11.6 Million ISK for the second pirate bounty payout
6.2 Million ISK for the third and final pirate bounty payout
10 Million ISK for the salvage and loot

This means for approximately each hour I can get 35.4 Million ISK. This isn't exactly mind blowing and to get a plex I need ( currently using 1.5 Billion as my target) to spend 42.37 days.
If I include my banked ISK, then this goes down to 36 days.

Now this is assuming that I don't have to buy anything such as skill books, and I don't screw up and have to replace any ships ( I have lost both a VNI and an Astero when stepping away for 2 mins)

So this is my story on how I am trying to get this account into a good state.

I won't include the loot as I might not be able to collect it, and also selling it is an issue


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